Eleven words poems are made with eleven words. An easy way to learn children how to write valentine poems for parents, valentines day greetings for teachers or valentines poems for friends. Read more at bottom page.
An eleven words poem is a poem that exists out of eleven words in five lines. Because it is so easy many teachers use eleven words poems to learn children how to write poetry at school. In dutch it is called an elfje. An elfje is a fairy and elf also means eleven.
Line 1: one word: a color or quality. The word evokes a certain atmosphere.
Line 2: two words: something that this color or quality.
It can be an object or a or a person.
Line 3: three words: explain more on object or person.
For example where is, what is or what does it do?
Begin this line with a personal pronoun, for example: he, she, ...
Line 4: four words: a line about yourself in relation to something,
ie what do I do? There is something of a conclusion.
Line 5: final word.
I hope you enjoy these eleven words poems. Now teachers can learn children how to write poetry with eleven words poems.
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